Wednesday, November 24, 2010


What is art?

What is the role of an artist?

What is the role of a public artist?

What is participation? Live art? Agency?

Is it possible that I am a multi-modal participatory provocateur
propositioning performance artist?

What does that even mean?

A human who engages in their experience. A human that is in dialogue
with the inner and outer worlds. A person who creates or expresses
something in order to start a conversation with others. An engaged
listening, observing, formulating, sensing, responding live human.

Perhaps the artist also offers their writing and actions as
propositions, windows, opportunities for others to engage with their
own and universal experiences both private, imaginary, expressive and

We are innately artful. We are all artists.

1 comment:

  1. Where 'Fine Art' may be more specifically about painting, sculpture, performance etc. 'Art' more generally can be a much more blurry concept. Performance art crossed with theatre, Painting & drawing with design, etc.
    I am a fan of the idea that we all have an artist within us. The application of creative ideas, creative ideas to incourage change perhaps, can find outlets in anything from conversation or writing to painting and drawing.
    The act of reading itself can be done in such a way as to encourage creative thought and this, for me, is were art and reading meet.
